I am writing in response to the Aug. 30 column entitled "Playing Follow the Leader in Religious Terms." I am not saying that I know all the "mysteries of the universe" as the article described it, but I do know something. Society has made all of us accept others no matter what their beliefs are. The article in The Daily Tar Heel suggested that if you associate yourself with Christianity then you are admitting that people with different beliefs than yours are wrong.
The truth is that neither I nor anyone else in the world is saying that homosexuality, drunkards, idolaters or people with different beliefs than yours are wrong. The truth is that neither I nor anyone else in the world is saying that says that these are wrong, not me. Yes, I follow these teachings and believe with my whole heart that these beliefs are wrong. But I did not come up with the teachings, God did.
The column also states that if there is a Christian God then he will let "people of all faiths and lifestyles into heaven." If this were true, then why does the Bible, God's holy word, state that you should not worship other gods but him, and why does he state that certain "lifestyles" can indeed keep you out of heaven? God doesn't call on the casual believer to follow him. He wants a disciple who will give their heart, soul and mind to him.
Douglas Williams
Freshman, Undecided