Forget about Ricky Martin and J. Lo. If you're looking for the real Latin invasion, you'll find it in the L.A.-based Ozomatli -- a party band with a political agenda.
While Ozomatli's sound is rooted in salsa, the group is as diverse as the city that spawned it: Ozomatli counts blacks, Chicanos, Cubans, Japanese, Jews and Filipinos among its nine members.
Its music, likewise, is a cultural medley. Many of the tracks on Embrace the Chaos wouldn't sound out of place at your favorite Mexican restaurant. But Ozomatli doesn't stop there, throwing the classic Latin sound for a loop with turntabling, hip-hop lyrics, impressive guest appearances and innovative touches.
The band formed in L.A. in 1995, starting out with gigs at political benefits and soon earning a rabid local following.
Its music is intended to promote social change, although English-only listeners might not get all of the message -- the raps are in English, but the sung lyrics are in Spanish.
And Ozomatli doesn't just talk the activist talk; its members walk the walk as well (bassist Wil Dog Abers once staged a three-month sit-in to protest the treatment of L.A. Conservation Corps workers).
But Ozomatli doesn't let the serious nature of its agenda get in the way of a good time. Each track is packed with energy and exuberant brass, and if you throw this on at your next party you better be ready to switch between salsa dancing and booty-shaking.