Roughly four months ago the Chapel Hill Police Department, through its community service department and a brainstorming session headed by Police Chief Gregg Jarvies, created an e-mail listserv to update businesses of pertinent information from the police.
For example, the service department will e-mail the listserv about recent crimes, customers writing bad checks and false solicitors.
Art Englebardt, a crime prevention specialist with the police department, works to maintain the link between businesses and police.
"Basically what we're trying to do is set up a direct line with businesses and the police department," he said.
Englebardt said he praised the listserv for its convenience and practicality.
"With 1,300 businesses in town you can't call all of them," he said.
But Englebardt said the listserv has to be used carefully to maintain its effectiveness and that it is only a part of the police department's strategy to reach out to the community.
"You don't want to constantly bombard people because if you do it too often they don't look (at the e-mails)," he said.
Englebardt said the police department also aims to educate business owners about preventative measures through programs the department offers throughout the year.