RDU already has cut 115 flights per day in and out of the airport because of the shutdown of Midway Airlines, which had a major hub at the airport. More flight cancellations could follow as a result of decreasing ticket sales.
RDU Communications Manager Mirinda Kosoff said the new terminal project has been suspended because of an anticipated decline in airport revenue.
The project included building an addition to Terminal A, the airport's main terminal.
Kosoff added that federal funding might spur more flights in and out of RDU, replacing the 115 grounded by the Midway shutdown.
President Bush is requesting that Congress pass a bill providing an $8 billion relief package to the airline industry, which was hit especially hard by last week's terrorist attacks.
The package immediately would grant $5 billion to airline companies nationwide.
An additional $3 billion would be set aside for better airport safety and security.
The bill would be in addition to a $40 billion fund Bush signed into law Tuesday.
Four major domestic airlines -- American Airlines, United Airlines, Continental Airlines and U.S. Airways -- have already announced that as many as 25 percent of their employees could be laid off in the upcoming months because of a decreased demand.