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Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Sierra Club to Hold Forum

Tonight three candidates for Chapel Hill mayor will discuss environmental issues affecting residents.

The forum, sponsored by the Orange Chatham Group of the Sierra Club, is scheduled for 7 p.m. and will give group members and residents an opportunity to interact with candidates.

Dan Coleman, the club's political chairman, said some issues that will be discussed could include traffic, greenways, water and air qualities, growth and development and possible University expansion.

"(The forum will) give our members and the general public the chance to learn the candidate's views on important environmental issues," Coleman said.

Gustavo Ocoro, vice chairman of the Sierra Club, said the club will consider endorsing a specific candidate after tonight's forum.

"If we have a candidate that goes with our philosophy that we think we should support, then we would do that," he said.

All three of the mayoral candidates are expected to attend the event.

Kevin Foy, a Town Council member and the one of the candidates, said he expects the meeting to focus on growth and development.

But Foy said it does not matter whether a candidate is pro-development or not.

"It's a matter of managing (growth) responsibly," Foy said.

"This Sierra Club traditionally is focused on environmental issues and how environmental issues and social issues interact," he added.

Cam Hill, another mayoral candidate, said he suspects the forum will center mostly on issues facing Chapel Hill, as opposed to air and water quality questions.

"The biggest issue facing Chapel Hill is maintaining the quality of life here," he said.

"(This) involves quality of the environment and other important things like traffic, overcrowding and noise."

Lee Pavao, a Chapel Hill Town Council member and the third mayoral candidates, said he believes environmental issues should be looked at as one big package.

Pavao said, "I think we should be looking at all of the environmental impacts holistically."

This will be the first forum that the local mayoral candidates have attended.

The mayor position will change this year.

Mayor Rosemary Waldorf, who has served for six years, decided this summer that she will not be seeking re-election this November.

The Sierra Club will also be holding a forum with the Chapel Hill Town Council candidates Oct. 9.

Four seats are vacant on the Town Council.

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