The openings are for external appointment positions, which give students the chance to serve as representatives on various boards and committees.
There are a total of more than 100 appointments, which the executive branch of student government usually fills in the spring, but 20 positions still remain open.
Applications for these spots are due by midnight Saturday and can be submitted online through the student government Web page.
Student Body Vice President Rudy Kleysteuber said the external appointments are important because they allow the representatives to interact with other students, faculty and staff.
"Being a part of student government is the best way to connect with the campus community," he said.
External appointees are required to attend committee meetings, submit updates of major meeting occurrences and fill out mid-year and end-of-year evaluations.
Student government continually adds committees, so the number of yearly appointments can vary.
Some committees that still have openings include food services, which works closely with Lenoir Dining Hall, and campus security, which meets with University Counsel Susan Ehringhaus and University Police Chief Derek Poarch to tackle security issues on campus.
Some of the other student government committees looking to fill vacant spots dealing with sexual harassment, recreation, housing and women's issues.