Although the University has never officially supported the views expressed during the teach-in, Chancellor James Moeser has defended the rights to free expression and assembly.
The Sept. 17 forum, titled "Understanding the Attack on America: An Alternative View," was sponsored by the Student Affairs Division, the Progressive Faculty Network, the University Center for International Studies and the Carolina Seminar on Bridging the Divide, according to the faculty network's Web site.
The teach-in featured a number of national activists and UNC professors who were critical of the government's response to to the terrorist attacks.
As of Tuesday, Moeser had received about 50 phone calls and 300 e-mails from people concerned about the teach-in's message. Moeser said he has responded to complaints by an e-mail, highlighting his support for discussion of current events, regardless of his personal beliefs.
During Thursday's Board of Trustees meeting, Moeser championed UNC as a place where diverse viewpoints can be shared freely. "I think one of the things that has always marked the campus is total freedom of assembly," he said. "While many don't agree with the issues expressed, they still defend the right to free expression. This University is a place of ideas -- this campus is a leader in the sense of intensity, focus, caring and compassion."
But others from outside the UNC community think the University was out of line to allow the teach-in.
Charles Wolfe, a 1965 UNC graduate who lives in Manhattan, heard about the teach-in on a national television broadcast. Wolfe was upset by coverage that reported a teach-in panelist had blamed the U.S. for the terrorist attacks.
"This seemed like a highly charged diatribe that sought to demonize the United States at a particularly sensitive time," he said. "I think it's inappropriate and hurtful. It's plain rubbish."
Wolfe said he was considering donating money to UNC but that the teach-in is making him rethink his decision.