The Carrboro Board of Aldermen decided at its regular business meeting Tuesday night to investigate community interest and financing options for a housing subsidy program proposed by Alderman Mark Dorosin.
"(Living in the town) helps strengthen relationships between the entity of the town and the citizens," Dorosin said.
Of the 137 employees that work in Carrboro, 18 live in the town -- 13 percent.
Dorosin has submitted four different plans for the housing subsidy proposal, including the Individual Development Accounts program, in which the town will match funds saved by individual employees.
Several aldermen backed Dorosin's proposals with slight reservation.
Alderman Diana McDuffee asked Dorosin what the next steps would be and requested more information, but said she wanted to move forward with the plan.
"I think it's really worth exploring," McDuffee said.
But McDuffee said she was concerned about the town taking responsibility for employees' housing.
"I hesitate to want to see us in the position of holding a second mortgage on someone's home," she said.