For the first time, the Orange County Board of Elections will offer bilingual ballots to voters in Carrboro.
Carolyn Thomas, director of the Orange County Board of Elections, said bilingual ballots are required if 6 percent of a town's population speak Spanish as their primary language.
Hispanics make up 12 percent of Carrboro's population.
And to represent voters needing the bilingual ballots, candidate John Herrera is seeking a spot on the board.
Herrera said he thinks the ballot change is a reflection of the increasing Hispanic population and will be a service to the voters.
"(The bilingual ballot) is a really good way to inform voters and encourage them to vote as informed voters," Herrera said. "It's about giving access to all the U.S. citizens."
Other alderman candidates also spoke out in favor of the bilingual ballot. "I think it's a good idea if it helps people make a decision," said candidate Jim Porto.
Incumbent candidate Allen Spalt commended the bilingual ballot but emphasized that registration among Hispanic voters still is too low.
"I don't believe the registration (of Hispanics) is high enough," Spalt said.