The stop was part of Dole's pledge to visit each of North Carolina's 100 counties at least once before Election Day.
Dole attended the N.C. State Fair on Sunday and crowned the Homecoming queen at a Salisbury High School football game Friday night.
Campaign spokesman Jay Warshaw said Dole had visited roughly 20 counties so far. Her husband, Bob Dole, accompanied her on visits to several western counties last week.
Elizabeth Dole also has received an important endorsement from Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory in the past week.
Dole's campaign workers arrived at Mama Dip's at about 8 a.m. and passed out bumper stickers, support forms and fliers detailing the policies of Dole and N.C. Citizens for a Sound Economy.
Dole arrived to a round of applause from the roughly 70 supporters in attendance. She was then ushered around the restaurant by her campaign managers to greet and chat with almost every supporter in attendance, asking them about their families and exchanging personal stories.
Dole did not focus on campaign issues.
On several occasions Dole posed for a picture with young children and some adults. She also signed autographs and listened to stories of previous encounters with her supporters.
She then sat down for a cup of coffee before talking with some late arrivers.