The provision calling for the study is part of a bill the N.C. Senate passed three weeks ago calling for the elimination of quotas in the selection of BOG members.
Former governors Jim Hunt, James Holshouser, James Martin and Bob Scott and former UNC-system presidents Bill Friday and C.D. Spangler, all cosigned the letter criticizing the bill and asking the N.C. General Assembly to reject it.
The bill currently sits in the N.C. House Rules Committee. It is unclear when, if ever, the House will hear the legislation.
The letter's authors cited other university issues as more pressing than the study, naming possible budget cuts, a recent focus on enrollment growth and construction projects funded by last year's $3.1 billion bond referendum as examples.
Former UNC-system President Bill Friday said Sunday he does not object to the study itself -- explaining that four similar studies were conducted during his presidency -- but to the study's timing.
If the bill passes, the study would be completed by early next summer, when the 2002 legislative session convenes -- a time frame Friday said he feared was too short. "It takes at least 18 months to two years to do a study like this," he said.
The letter's authors also expressed concern about a lack of public explanation for the purpose of the study.
Former UNC-system President C.D. Spangler said the provision was not discussed on the Senate floor. "It was simply slipped into a bill and passed by the Senate with no discussion," Spangler said.
Despite criticism of the provision, some legislators have emphasized the need to re-examine the board's effectiveness.