Concerned the plan doesn't have the necessary support to pass, House Speaker Jim Black, D-Mecklenburg, decided to delay the vote until Monday.
Danny Lineberry, Black's spokesman, said the exact timetable for discussion on the plan is uncertain.
He added that he does not know whether the vote will take place anytime soon. "The speaker isn't going to call for a vote until he is sure he has the support to get it passed," Lineberry said.
House Majority Whip Beverly Earle, D-Mecklenburg, said issues surrounding majority-minority districts, which contain at least 50 percent minorities, are still a concern for some legislators.
There are at least three dissident Democrats in the House who likely will not vote for the plan, threatening the tenuous Democratic majority. Democrats hold 62 seats to the Republicans' 58.
Earle said she thinks most legislators are ready to move on. "Majority-minority districts are a problem with three people," she said. "But most of us, myself included, are satisfied."
The current plan, drawn up by Rep. Ronnie Sutton, D-Robeson, is the third redistricting plan considered by legislators. The original Sutton plan was amended earlier this month to try to appease dissident Democrats. The Republicans also offered a plan, created by Larry Justus, R-Henderson, which was rejected.
House Majority Leader Philip Baddour, D-Wayne, said the plan does an excellent job of protecting the positions of minority legislators.
But Baddour said he is worried that other unvoiced tensions might surface later in addition to the concern about the parameters of majority-minority districts.