By Russ Thompson
Staff Writer
Despite a troubled airline industry, officials said North Carolina's tourism industry should fair well.
North Carolina's tourism industry is worth more than $12 billion and brings in more than $1.1 billion to the state through tax revenue.
In an effort to help support the state's tourism industry, the N.C. Travel and Tourism Board crafted a plan to monitor people's opinions on the industry.
A survey of 700 households in seven states will be used to judge consumer confidence after the recent terrorist attacks.
A "Tourism Barometer" will be used to keep track of the number of tourists coming through the state, and marketing strategies will be changed to focus on the contiguous states.
Christine Mackey, public relations director for the state Chamber of Commerce, said she does not predict a dramatic decrease in tourism in the wake of the terrorist attacks because the state's tourism is not dependent on the airline industry.