This year, residence halls were kept open during Fall Break, meaning resident assistants were not able to search for banned items -- like halogen lamps -- in residents' rooms.
But residence hall room inspections are scheduled to be completed during both Thanksgiving Break and Winter Break, said Assistant Housing Director Rebecca Casey.
Officials said Monday that Thursday's afternoon fire on the fourth floor of Craige caused damage to the room mainly with smoke and not with actual flames.
The fire in Room 456 started when a halogen lamp fell onto a mattress.
Casey said Thursday that a delay in the activation of the residence hall's fire alarm would be investigated.
Freshman Tiffany McGinnis, who lives above Room 456, said she and her roommate smelled smoke five to 10 minutes before she heard any alarms going off.
But Casey said Monday that the alarms functioned properly.
"They can be activated in an individual room as opposed to the whole hallway," Casey said.
She said that when the Chapel Hill Fire Department arrived at the residence hall in response to the activated smoke alarm in Room 456 and opened the door to the room, the hallway fire alarms were activated.