So it was with succulent pleasure that I watched the Tar Heels thrash the ACC's top offense last week. Peppers and his crew all but crushed Woody Dantzler's Heisman hopes. Clemson fans booed their team at their own Homecoming. The Tar Heels have a national ranking for the first time in too long. Ahhh. Sweet revenge.
For today's column, I had a couple write in with differing opinions on an age-old rivalry.
My boyfriend always comments on other girls' breasts in my presence. He knows it bothers me, but he thinks it's funny. It makes me feel insecure about my breasts. What should I do? -- 36B
To answer this question, I had to delve deep into the male psyche (something I'm pretty familiar with actually). You must realize that when your boyfriend comments on other girls' breasts, he isn't looking for the bigger, better deal. He's just a victim of the male preoccupation with breasts, a product of typical, raging hormones.
The most important thing to remember is that he is not comparing other girls' breasts to yours. Guys observe girls' breasts much like a girl would comment on another girls' hairdo: admiringly, but with no emotional attachment. It is a false stereotype that we get our motor running at every pair of big hooters. To a guy, breasts are a lot like dessert: the bigger and more prominently displayed it is, the better it looks. But just like we aren't going to stick our fingers in someone else's pie, we know to look but not touch. Besides, why would we go grabbing for more when we have a handful already?
I've got a problem. My woman is always trippin' every time I look at another girl or rewind back to scenes with Shannon Elizabeth. Her nagging has really begun to interfere with when I can check girls out. She should know it's just a natural instinct, but every time I tell her that she gets mad. What should I do? -- 36B's BF
First of all, your "woman" is genuinely concerned that you are dissatisfied with her body because you are always checking out other women. Now, as a guy, I know you aren't purposely trying to be malicious, it's just your testosterone-driven instincts. But as we guys know, at least those of us who care about our girlfriends, when she isn't happy, it makes us not happy.
So, while it would be impossible to simply stop looking at other girls (trust me, I've tried), maybe you can try to tone it down a bit around your girlfriend.
You don't have to comment on every nice body you see, at least when your girlfriend is around. Would you like it if she said how cute every guy who walked by was? I didn't think so.