I am writing in response to the board editorial on Monday titled "Crying Foul: The student attorney general shouldn't waste his -- or our -- time chasing goalpost vandals."
I do believe that school spirit is important, especially for our students here at UNC, but to not only condone but encourage students to celebrate inappropriately is a disgrace. You hypocritically stated that "After any big win during basketball seasons, students are allowed -- no, expected -- to express their joy through Franklin Street bonfires and toilet paper in the trees ... (and the) football team merits a little support as well," yet those housekeepers you so eloquently write about in past editions of the DTH are left cleaning up the mess, as well as countless other staff.
You write about keeping student fees and tuition low, yet you also advocate -- no, expect -- students to set these bonfires and desecrate our beautiful campus with toilet paper, costing the campus money.
To all of those students who wish to support the Tar Heels, celebrate. To all of those who wish to tear down goalposts, start bonfires and put toilet paper in our trees, I hope the student attorney general, Mr. Newcomb, holds you accountable for your behavior and makes you clean up the mess.
Sean Simone
Area Director
Housing and Residential Education