Young accompanied safety officials Tuesday evening on a walk through the UNC campus for their semiannual lighting tour, during which they assess campus safety at night.
On the tour, the group looks for nonfunctioning lights, overgrown foliage and dark areas that might need lighting, said Lt. Angela Carmon, the crime prevention officer for the Department of Public Safety.
"It's not just a lighting tour," said construction and renovation technician Phil Mazarick. "We try to look at all things as they relate to safety, as they relate to people feeling comfortable about the campus."
Mazarick said campus foliage growth requires that officials tour the campus in both the fall and spring.
"There's a big difference in lighting patterns between the spring when the leaves are coming on and when most of the leaves have fallen."
Although the group found several lights that were out on North Campus, the majority were functioning normally, and none of the areas on the tour were completely unlit.
"When I started doing this (24 years ago), every time I would place six to 10 lights," Mazarick said. "In the past few years it's been pretty unlit."
Because no sections of campus were completely unlit, the group did not single out any location on the tour as a problem area in significant need of more lighting.
The group also noted that there are no specific lighting problems on Stadium Drive, where a female student was mugged Oct. 5. Mazarick noted that the amount of lighting there far exceeds regulations.