Each race has two candidates -- but the level of tension in the Carrboro race is much lower than in Chapel Hill.
Chapel Hill mayoral candidates Kevin Foy and Lee Pavao, both Chapel Hill Town Council members, have said they are pleased that the race for the most part has avoided negative campaigning.
"Like in any election it has gotten a bit testy, but there has been no mudslinging," Foy said.
But Pavao cited one instance in which a campaign pamphlet Foy sent out contained inaccurate information.
"(There is one) distortion in it that can be verified," Pavao said.
In the pamphlet, Foy said that Pavao does not support the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance, an ordinance geared at handling overcrowding -- a statement Pavao claims is "absolutely untrue."
Pavao said he has worked 2 1/2 years on SAPFO and is one of two members on the task force responsible for putting together the schools ordinance.
But Foy said that in November 1998, when he brought up the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance to the council, Pavao voted against it. Foy said the proposed ordinance included SAPFO.
"Now (Pavao is) trying to revise the history of this thing and act as if he's supported it when in fact he hasn't," Foy said. "He has been on a committee, but that committee hasn't managed to bring forward a proposal that (the council members) are able to pass."