The Daily Tar Heel
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Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Marathon Organizers Thank University for Enthusiastic Support

Thank you Carolina. The Dance Marathon had an absolutely astounding and unanticipated response to our application week. We knew that the Marathon would grow this year, but we had no idea how many amazing individuals would volunteer so enthusiastically to stand on their feet for 24 straight hours to demonstrate support and care for the children in the N.C. Children's Hospital. Nearly 1,000 students applied in five days! That's almost 7 percent of the undergraduate student population -- or one in every 15 students you pass on campus.

The Dance Marathon relies on corporate sponsors to underwrite or donate all of needs for the Marathon to ensure that 100 percent of the money raised goes straight to the For the Kids Fund. The Fund gives the money directly to the families of children receiving care at the hospital. Even with great sponsors such as Chick-fil-A and McAlister's, the Marathon only has the resources to allow 600 student dancers to participate. However, there are a number of meaningful ways to be involved in the Marathon. Please consider volunteering.

Our Volunteer Application Week is early next semester, January 14 to 18, and will also be completely online at We encourage every member of the Carolina community to visit the Marathon on February 22 to 23, show support for the 600 student dancers, and watch the outstanding entertainment we are offering this year.

Our last event of the semester is our 1st Annual Dance Marathon Holiday Benefit Concert, "Jammin' for the Kids." The concert will take place from 8 to 10 p.m. Wednesday, December 5, in the Great Hall. Tickets are on sale now in the Pit. The concert line-up includes the Clef Hangers, THV, Kamikazi, Carolina Style, Opeyo! and more. Once again, thank you to each student who applied to stand for 24 straight hours to make a difference.

Dana Gottheim
Dancer Coordinator

Scott Werry
Overall Coordinator
2002 Dance Marathon

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