"I left the Dance Marathon with aching feet, no energy, but an enthusiastic heart. It was probably the toughest 24 hours of my life, but getting to know the other dancers, the kids and their families makes you want to do it all over again. Without a doubt, dancing has been the highlight of my four years at UNC." -- Jonathan Shaw, dancer, DM 2001.
Sound exciting? Dancer application for DM 2002 is this week, Nov. 5-9.
Interested students can visit http://www.uncmarathon.org to sign up for what promises to be one of your most memorable experiences at Carolina. On Feb. 22, Fetzer Gym will be abuzz with anticipation as more than 400 UNC students prepare to begin an event like no other.
For the next 24 hours, these dancers will be entertained by campus performance groups, local bands, guest speakers and families and children from the N.C. Children's Hospital. Dancing in the Dance Marathon is a unique and rewarding experience. Just ask someone who's danced before. "Dancing" requires no expertise or rhythm, only a commitment to stand on your feet for 24 hours in support of the kids. By lending your time and energy, you are providing a tremendous display of support for the families.
By registering to dance, you are becoming a part of a yearlong fund-raising effort, which culminates in the 24-hour celebration.The marathon effort represents the incredible power of a united Carolina community: a community of thousands of students, faculty, staff, administration, alumni, neighborhood members and hospital personnel; a community of people who generously give both time and effort to a common goal.
Carolina students of all walks of life can participate in the Dance Marathon. UNC athletes, members of the Greek community and more than a hundred student organizations all get involved in a variety of ways. Already this year, 40 athletes representing a number of varsity teams raised more than $2,000 canning at a football game. Volunteers also visit the pediatric playroom in the hospital, tour the new N.C. Children's Hospital, attend the family social planned for Nov. 10 and enjoy the alumni tailgating event on Nov. 17.
If you are interested in volunteering your time or helping in any way, please visit our Web site or e-mail me at werry@email.unc.edu. DM members will be in the Pit all week to answer any questions you may have or to provide more information. Visit us Wednesday in the quad or stop by the Pit on Friday to enjoy the entertainment and buy a T-shirt. Dancer application forms are available online at http://www.uncmarathon.org, and don't delay because sign up ends Friday at 6 p.m. The Dance Marathon is changing lives. Sign up to dance and make a difference. For Carolina, for yourself, for the kids.
Scott Werry
Overall Coordinator
2002 Dance Marathon
The length rule was waived.