The Daily Tar Heel
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Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel


Night Moves

Slow Hand
Illustrating how the UNC campus is slowly returning to normal, yet another masturbator was caught displaying his wares in public.

For the Love of $$$
Six UNC-system chancellors met recently to talk about the possibility of tuition increases to meet rising costs next year. Couldn't they just have a really big bake sale or something?

Eat a Peach
On Saturday, UNC was invited to the Peach Bowl. Meanwhile, Matt Doherty fondly remembers the days when UNC was a basketball school.

Tar Heel Quotables

"Remember you are representing everyone in town, including those who don't pay attention."
Outgoing Chapel Hill Mayor Rosemary Waldorf
Giving advice to her successor. Wait, was there an election or something?

"We're not in any rush."
Anti-Taliban Fighter Mohammed Anwar
Discussing a possible attack on Kandahar. Sure guys, you just get around to fighting the war whenever you're ready.

"It's a complex issue, and it does involve a lot of philosophical questions."
Senior Eric Johnson
Commenting on a proposed tuition increase. The main question is, "How much can we screw the students?"

"Sometimes dropping out is the best choice for a student."
Carolyn Cannon, Associate Dean of Academic Advising
And that student is usually the guy in your econ class who wears only hemp and hasn't bathed in a month.

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