Each year, Homecoming kings and queens are required to complete a service project that they pitched during their campaign.
"During the holiday season, I feel that children will not be able to erase the memories of September 11, so that inspired me to coordinate the HEELing Hearts project," she said. "In my sorority (Delta Sigma Theta), much of our service focuses on children, and that also helped spearhead the project."
The goal of Higginbotham's service project, which is being done in conjunction with the Black Student Movement and the senior class, is to fill a charter bus with toys and handmade "Thinking of You" cards to give to children of victims of Sept. 11.
"After September 11, it seemed as if the whole nation was unified," she said. "With this project, I hope to unify our campus community in order to create a better outlook on the future."
Higginbotham said the project required careful planning. The service project had to be a large part of the campaigning process for Homecoming queen, she said.
"I knew that proper planning was key; without that, the project would not have been implemented," Higginbotham said.
Members of the BSM and the senior class will be accepting handmade cards and unwrapped toys for HEELing Hearts today in the Pit and Saturday in the New Hope Commons Shopping Plaza on U.S. 15-501.
HEELing Hearts will collect toys and cards until Dec. 16. The gifts will be taken by Higginbotham to New York on a charter bus Dec. 17.
"We encourage resident assistants to participate in the project by holding toy and card drives in the resident halls," Higginbotham said.