RDU officials said the airport did not experience significant travel delays because of the increased security.
Theresa Damiano, RDU director of customer service and organizational support, said the airport has complied with tougher security regulations but still has more work to do.
"I think all measures that have been taken since September 11 are making things better," she said. "But there are still actions to be implemented."
Damiano said the four options airlines have to increase security are the use of bomb sniffing dogs, hand searches, X-ray machines and positive bag match.
Positive bag match -- matching checked baggage to a passenger on the aircraft -- is the most common and only method the federal government is requiring.
The new regulations stem from aviation security legislation signed by President Bush about two months ago.
Damiano said RDU has increased random bag searching to supplement positive bag match.
But an RDU employee who wished to remain anonymous said the airport has become less congested over time, despite the increased security measures.
"After the attacks, there were lines out the door," the employee said. "Now things are slowly returning to normal."