The Daily Tar Heel
Printing news. Raising hell. Since 1893.
Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Developments in the War on Terrorism

The DTH's daily summary of the New War

American Taliban Heading to U.S.

- Two months after his capture in Afghanistan, John Walker Lindh began the journey back to the United States on Tuesday to face charges of conspiring to kill his countrymen.

Rumsfeld Defends Handling of Afghans

- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld insisted Tuesday that the United States is treating terrorist suspects held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, humanely and in accordance with international rules.

See today's Daily Tar Heel for more on this story.

Palestinian Gunman Wounds Eight

- A Palestinian gunman shot Israelis waiting at a bus stop Tuesday in the heart of Jerusalem, wounding eight people, hours after Israeli commandos stormed an explosives lab and killed four Islamic militants in the West Bank.

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Special Print Edition
The Daily Tar Heel's 2024 DEI Special Edition