The round-the-clock patrols designed to deter terrorists may be straining planes and personnel, the Pentagon said Monday.
Four months after the airliner attacks, any decision on ending or changing the patrols may come down to a calculation of how safe Americans would feel with the change, some officials say.
Part of the homeland defense efforts called Operation Noble Eagle, the flights began after terrorist hijackers crashed jetliners into the Pentagon and World Trade Center. U.S. fighters have been flying over New York and Washington since then.
Other patrols fly from time to time over other major metropolitan areas and key sites, and jets are on alert at 30 bases to scramble if called. The combat air patrols are the first of their kind over the United States since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962.
Officials have been looking to cut back on the program for some time, knowing from the outset that the high-tempo use of manpower and equipment couldn't be kept up with the existing people and budget, one defense official said, commenting only on condition of anonymity. Now that four months have passed and aviation security has been improved somewhat, some wonder if it might be time to start rethinking the patrols, the official said.
Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke declined to confirm that Monday, telling a Pentagon press conference that talking about details of the program could give ``an advantage to those who might want to do us harm.''
The operation uses 11,000 people and 250 aircraft, another official said. Those figures include maintenance crews, pilots for 100 F-15 and F-16 fighter jets, crews for tankers needed for midair refueling and crews for AWACS -- Airborne Warning and Control System -- planes to provide radar information.
Rear Adm. John Stufflebeem said that AWACS pilots and crews may be operating so intensely that they are not getting usual training for other missions.
``Maybe we're not getting the training that we need done now for our rotations overseas, so that's being looked at,'' he said at the press conference with Clarke. Stufflebeem is deputy director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.