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Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Snow Days Alter Local Schools' Schedules

After nearly a foot of snow fell in Chapel Hill and Carrboro, Orange County Schools declared cancellations on Jan. 3 and 4 and enacted two-hour delays on the mornings of Jan. 7 and 8.

"The roads were just entirely too dangerous for school buses," said Karen Wallace-Meigs, coordinator of public information for the Orange County Schools. "The superintendent has the ultimate authority to cancel school."

School officials have scheduled make up days for Feb. 15 and March 28.

Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools did not officially begin the spring semester until Jan. 7, so schools operated on a two-hour delay on Jan. 7 and 8.

Although Orange County students had the opportunity to enjoy two additional days of Winter Break, the cancellations impacted individual lesson plans and teacher work schedules.

Some teachers said the school cancellations will cause delays and certain alterations in their lesson plans.

"When I came back, I looked at my plan book and said, 'Oh, I'm two days behind now,'" said Pam Lamason, a third-grade teacher at New Hope Elementary.

"The kids were very excited about the snow though."

Lamason said she was forced to combine separate lessons into one and eliminate special programs to compensate for time lost.

Because teachers have now lost two workdays, they will have to make up the time by working extra days.

"I hate snow," said Barbara Chapman, principal of New Hope Elementary. "But you know, (school cancellations) are something we sigh and just have to be philosophical about."

Chapman said New Hope Elementary had previously planned a quality tools workshop for Feb. 15, but school administrators will now have to reschedule the workshop for another teacher workday.

As teachers and students alike make the transition into the new school semester, administrators hope that there will be no need for more cancellations.

"I've heard that we're supposed to get some more snow in the coming months," said Chapman.

"My preference would be no more snow, but that would not be what the children want."

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