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Monday, Sept. 23, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

ASL Meeting Tonight Pairs DTH, Students

Hosted by The Daily Tar Heel, the ASL was created to encourage an open dialogue between the DTH and student leaders within the campus community.

Tonight's meeting will address how student groups' events and awareness weeks are covered by the DTH, and several editors will be present to answer questions and address concerns at the meeting, said Russ Lane, DTH special projects coordinator.

"With the overwhelming number of student groups' events on campus -- be they speakers, fund-raisers or awareness weeks -- the DTH editors always question how to cover the multitude of events as fairly as possible," he said.

"Tonight's meeting will pose those same questions to UNC's student leaders, and I hope the editors will receive honest feedback and concrete suggestions of how to do it better."

Other topics will include student elections coverage and distinctions between news coverage and editorial opinion pieces.

The topics addressed are indicative of changes to the ASL's structure, Lane said.

"At the beginning of the semester, the DTH's management looked at the structure of ASL in the months prior and realized it wasn't accomplishing its intended mission," he said. "The ASL was envisioned to provide the DTH feedback and student leaders a direct line to DTH editors, but it also should generate new ideas that either group might not have generated on their own."

The ASL's new structure has been tweaked to encourage this exchange of ideas -- while the DTH welcomes both positive and negative feedback, student leaders in attendance are encouraged to engage in discussions about campus issues and events.

For additional information, contact Lane at

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