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Monday, Sept. 23, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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BOG Meeting to Focus On Tuition Increases

About a dozen UNC-system schools are expected to bring campus-initiated tuition increase requests before the board this year.

On Jan. 24, the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees approved a one-time, $400 increase, largely to boost faculty salaries and decrease the student-faculty ratio. The BOG is expected to vote on UNC-CH's and any other campus's individual tuition increases March 6.

But Addison Bell, chairman of the BOG's Budget and Finance Committee, said Monday that members might consider calling an emergency session at a later date to deal with tuition if all the information is not available by March.

Bell said he already knows where some board members stand on the tuition issue, although he would not comment further.

He said no recommendation will be made today about whether to accept any individual increases, although the committee could do so at a later date.

Bell said the workshop is for disseminating information presented by the campuses to the board members.

"It's my understanding that about half (of the BOG members) will be in attendance," he said.

UNC-system Association of Student Governments President Andrew Payne, a nonvoting member of the BOG, said he does not think any campus's request for a tuition increase is set in stone.

"I've already talked to some other (BOG) members, and they've expressed their concerns over how we've done tuition this year," Payne said.

If the BOG approves the increases as they are, the proposals will then be presented to the N.C. General Assembly, which has final say on tuition increases.

But BOG Chairman Ben Ruffin said despite the state's financial woes, most board members are considering all the options.

"I think most people are open on this issue. ... We're operating in different times," he said.

"I can tell you where I stand. I favor low tuition."

Payne said tonight's meeting will be pivotal. "I think that the board is aware of both sides," he said. "This is where a consensus will be drawn."

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