The Daily Tar Heel
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Monday, Sept. 23, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Campus Calendar

11 a.m. -- The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the N.C. Sociology Club are sponsoring a blood drive until 4 p.m. in the Student Union.

noon -- The Sonja H. Stone Black Cultural Center will host the film "Candombe" in Union 208-209. It is free and open to the public.

3:30 p.m. -- The Association of Graduate English Students is hosting a reading with Sarah Dessen, the author of five novels and a creative writing teacher at UNC, as part of the Creative Speakers Series. Readings are free and open to the public, with free refreshments and books for sale and signing courtesy of the Bull's Head Bookshop. They will be in Donovan Lounge in Greenlaw Hall.

4 p.m. -- The International Center is hosting a Class of '38 Summer Fellowship Abroad Information Session in Union 210. Learn how to submit a proposal to pursue a project abroad related to your interests and spend your summer abroad. There are seven $3,500 fellowships of available for sophomores and juniors.

5 p.m. -- The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People will hold its general body meeting in Union 226. NAACP Week is Feb 11-17.

5 p.m. -- Zeta Phi Beta sorority and Phi Beta Sigma fraternity are hosting Episode 6 of the "Roots" television series in 100 Hamilton Hall.

6 p.m. -- The Wesley Foundation will host dinner and an Ash Wednesday worship service at the Wesley Foundation at 214 Pittsboro St.

7 p.m. -- Carolina V-Day Initiative is hosting "Help for You, Helping Others," a sexual and domestic violence 101 sponsored by the Orange County Rape Crisis Center and the Family Violence Prevention Center, in 431 Greenlaw Hall.

7 p.m. -- Carolina Week talks about a proposed sliding tuition scale, the special meaning of this Valentine's Day and the ROTC today on Channel 2 in the residence halls or Thursday at 7:30 p.m. on Channel 8 in Orange County.

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The Daily Tar Heel's 2024 DEI Special Edition