The Daily Tar Heel
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Monday, Sept. 23, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Dance Marathon Leaders Enthusiastically Thank All Involved in the Effort

Thank you Carolina! This weekend, 577 dancers stood on their feet for 24 hours in support of the children at the North Carolina Children's Hospital.

We would like to congratulate those students on their tremendous accomplishment and recognize all of the people who made the Dance Marathon an event to remember.

We also salute the more than 400 student volunteers and moralers, hundreds of spectators and many more silent auction bidders who were in Fetzer Gym to support our dancers, as well as the 160 committee members who worked countless hours on this event. They were able to enjoy an amazing lineup of 26 student groups, the athletic lip sync, NPHC step show, and a battle of the bands -- with each performance group generously donating their time and talents.

The Dance Marathon would not have been possible without the tremendous donations of our corporate sponsors, the equipment and expertise of Carolina Production Services and especially the hard work of the PE Workcenter employees. The Dance Marathon relies on the support of a number of organizations and individuals. A special thank you to all alumni, faculty, staff, and administration members, including UNC Hospitals, who were such an integral part of our effort.

The Chapel Hill community, led by Mayor Kevin Foy and the Town Council, participated in the success of our silent auction. Chancellor James Moeser, Provost Robert Shelton, Stick Williams, Doug Dibbert and Dick Baddour were all extremely helpful, as was our very hard-working student body president, Justin Young.

Our fund-raising total reflects the efforts and accomplishments of the entire Carolina campus and community. Congratulations. Due to the extraordinary support of the student body, including many student organizations, Greek houses, athletic teams and area governments, we are able to give $122,209.45 to the children and families of the hospital. Once again, thank you for making a difference.

2002 Overall Committee

UNC Dance Marathon

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