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Monday, Sept. 23, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Dating Habits Deliver Valentine to Businesses

According to the annual Valentine's Day survey by the International Mass Retail Association, shoppers will spend 8 percent more this year on Valentine's Day gifts than last year.

And the majority of the revenue is coming from adults between the ages of 18 and 24. These consumers plan to spend $183.80 on average this Valentine's Day. That number is almost $100 more than the average shopper, according to the survey.

And ladies, don't worry: It's not typically you who are doing the spending. According to the same survey, men plan to spend more than double what women plan to spend on this highly commercialized holiday.

Mark Stager, manager of Chapel Hill Florist, said men typically buy their women roses for Valentines Day. "The men do the majority of the buying around this time," Stager said. "Girlfriends really help us out."

Whereas women will drop on average about $50 in card and candy stores, men will spend on average $122 on cards, flowers and stuffed animals, the International Mass Retail Association survey says.

Patti Tilley, manager of Lynn's Hallmark Shop, said cards, balloons and candy sell the best in the month of February. "Our sales increase significantly around Valentines Day," Tilley said.

And it's not just eatables that are being bought. Zequel Hall, manager of Night Gallery, also said sales increase when Valentine's Day comes around each year.

"Anything red and anything lingerie increases in sales during this month," Hall said. She added that silk is a top selling product that many men are giving their significant others.

Lovers are spending some of that $183.80 on Valentine's Day dinner as well. David Erlien, manager of Valentino's Restaurant, said Valentine's Day looks to be a very busy night. "We already have two seatings full," Erlien said.

Michael Baleno, manager of Top of the Hill, agreed that Feb. 14 will be a special night. "Every year, Valentine's Day is a big time," Baleno said. "We do really well with wine sales and dinner plates."

And like Valentino's, Top of the Hill is getting full fast.

"We already have 40 reservations for dinner that night," Baleno said. "That's pretty good for two weeks prior."

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