The Daily Tar Heel
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Monday, Sept. 23, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Why, then, did she win? Only because she shamelessly took on the ideas of other candidates to boost her own innovative-less platform.

I was sitting outside Davis Library on Tuesday afternoon and I wanted to vomit. I wasn't hungover, but it was Election Day, and campaign lackeys were out in full force. Morons wearing stupid posters and saying even stupider things tried to get attention for their respective "leaders." I actually heard a campaign worker say to a student, "It's not about leadership, it's about getting drunk." I understand that it was a joke, but at the same time these people give a bad name to student elections.

I hold the opinion that, to borrow an expression from a friend, "Student government is schwarmy." There are so many avenues to make an impact at UNC, and student government just does not seem like one of them. Shouldn't Justin Young's example at the Board of Trustees meeting a few weeks ago show us that it does not matter how charismatic the leader, the BOT will still do what it wants? No one, especially an overzealous, agitating r

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