The Daily Tar Heel
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Monday, Sept. 23, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Gender Doesn't Matter To SBP Position, Costa Misrepresented Daum

The front page of Thursday's edition of The Daily Tar Heel raises the issues of few female candidates running for the office of student body president, fewer being taken seriously and only three having been elected in UNC's history ("Daum Breaks UNC Elections Trend"). Compare that article with the back page, where Johanna Costa ("Engage, Enrich, Empower Me to Trust You") launches a bitter diatribe against President-elect Daum. Two days after the runoff, Ms. Costa is not only absolutely convinced that Daum will fail in every conceivable responsibility she will face -- she is also out to irrevocably damage Daum's reputation.

Her column was one step away from charging that Daum slept with half of Carolina to get elected and is exactly why more women do not run for offices such as student body president. All it was missing was a blonde joke.

Daum is not the type to be "giggling like a girl" while posing for her "Glamour shots" for all the freshman guys to drool over before they access their favorite porn site. When the DTH criticizes her next year (because we all know they will), hopefully they will do it for her job and not for her gender.

Allison Pickett
History and Peace, War and Defense

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