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Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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TPAC Forums Detail Parking Possibilities

More than 100 people, about half of whom were employees of the Division of Facilities Services, attended a 10 a.m. forum in the Tate-Turner-Kuralt Auditorium in the School of Social Work. About 75 students participated in a 2 p.m. forum at the School of Medicine. The third meeting, held at 5 p.m. in the Student Union, drew about 40 students.

At each of the forums, TPAC Chairman Bob Knight presented background information about parking on campus along with figures detailing estimated future transportation expenditures totaling $2 million.

Knight also discussed revenue options that TPAC is considering, such as charging $363 each for North Campus night parking permits and leaving parking at the Bell Tower and S11 lots unregulated. If such a policy is adopted, Knight said free shuttles would likely run to the unregulated lots.

But Carolyn Elfland, associate vice chancellor for campus service, stressed that there is no definite plan yet. "($363) is nothing but what a day permit costs now," she said. "It was strictly put on the table as a starting point for discussion. The chances of actually charging that amount is almost zero."

Student Body Vice President Rudy Kleysteuber provided student perspective on the night parking issue. He presented a student proposal that would charge $10 for a night parking sticker but would would not necessarily guarantee a parking space. He also suggested pricing the potential permits on a sliding scale based on salary for staff and faculty and need-based aid for students.

Student concerns voiced at the forums mainly dealt with accessibility and campus security. Many students said they think student life would suffer if a night parking program is established.

"If a night parking policy is instituted, I think there will be a tremendous change in what this University is and what it stands for," said graduate student Jayne Goodman.

Other students said they think there is a need for more bus service at night, since most of the routes end at 8 p.m. Without late bus service, students said driving is the only safe option.

"I walked to school this morning," said junior Rachel Hockfield, a member of the Student Advisory Committee to the Chancellor. "If I don't finish here until midnight, how am I supposed to get home? Am I supposed to walk back to my apartment off campus?"

University employees expressed concern about paying for services -- like public transportation -- that they don't use and about paying for parking in general.

"Employees shouldn't have to pay to park," said UNC employee Scott Blalock. "It's paying to make a living."

But Employee Forum Chairman Tommy Griffin said the University community must work together to craft the best policy. "We're all in this together: students, faculty and staff," he said. "We all have to pay a certain amount, and we all have to live with the decisions of TPAC, whether we like them or not."

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