4 p.m. -- The Orange County Chapter of the American Red Cross is hosting a blood drive in Craige Residence Hall until 8:30 p.m. Come and donate blood!
7:30 p.m. -- The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is back at the old time but in a different location. Come out tonight to the Green Room in Ehringhaus Residence Hall to have a great time and hear a message brought by Marty Baldwin.
7:30 p.m. -- The UNC Young Democrats will be holding an informational session for students interested in working on the campaign for Rep. Dan Blue, D-Wake, in 103 Bingham Hall.
8 p.m. -- Students for a Mental Health Alliance and Feminist Students United! invite you to join them in the first-floor lounge of Connor Residence Hall for a discussion on eating disorders. Karen Booth, an assistant professor in the woman's studies department, will facilitate a comfortable discussion where you can talk about how eating disorders affect you and those you care about and learn more about eating disorders and campus resources available.
8 p.m. -- The UNC Young Democrats will be hosting Dan Blue, member of the N.C. General Assembly and candidate for the U.S. Senate. Blue will be speaking and taking questions at in 103 Bingham Hall. All are invited.