Katherine Shields, speaking on behalf of the UNC Student Environmental Action Coalition, asked the council for $5,000 to conduct a design contest for Town Parking Lot No. 5, located at the corner of Franklin and Church streets.
Shields stated that at least some of the money will be used as a prize for the winner.
Shields outlined the benefits of using a contest over relying on just a Downtown Workshop, which the Town Council has commissioned to create plans for a possible parking structure.
Shields said the workshop has less than 20 people working on the parking lot's design.
"It is not fair that such a small amount of people with a narrow range of interests are going to determine the design," Shields said.
Shields said $5,000 is a small amount compared to the money Chapel Hill has previously spent on consulting projects that have not resulted in anything.
She said a design contest would allow individuals who cannot attend the workshops a chance to participate and express their opinions.
In addition to Lot No. 5, the Downtown Workshop is working on three other downtown locations that were identified on Chapel Hill's adopted Downtown Small Area Plan.
The workshop will present a final set of images and drawings to the council in May.