The Daily Tar Heel
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Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Campus Calendar


Company Carolina is proud to present "Twelve Angry Men" by Reginald Rose, a play about justice and guilt in a timeless setting that emphasizes the repercussions of social responsibility for us all. The show will run today through April 29 in 203 Bingham Hall. Tickets are $5 for students and $8 for the general public, with a gala on Friday, when tickets will be $7 for students and $10 for the general public.

2 p.m. -- UNC's Smart Growth and Sustainability Coalition will present a seminar until 4 p.m. in the Tate-Turner-Kuralt Auditorium. The seminar will examine issues important to community development and the environment.

2 p.m. -- The University Center for International and Area Studies is hosting an open house until 4 p.m. at 223 E. Franklin St., across from the Morehead Planetarium. There will be refreshments and music. For more information, call 962-3094.

7 p.m. -- Concerned about world politics? Interested in current events? Students United for a Responsible Global Environment are hosting an evening of education and discussion titled, "Perspectives on How We Can Achieve Peace in Palestine." It will take place in 100 Hamilton Hall. In an effort to better comprehend the situation from many perspectives, a night of dialogue is planned with a panel of presenters from different Jewish, Arab and other backgrounds, including Matt Smith, Burhan Ghanayem and Rania Masri, who will provide their opinions of how peace can be achieved. There will also be an open mic.

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The Daily Tar Heel's 2024 DEI Special Edition