The Chapel Hill Town Council is holding a work session today from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. to discuss ways of saving money, where options including canceling the annual celebration likely will be discussed.
Officials say spending needs to be selective this year to account for the state's $900 million budget shortfall. Because of the deficit, the state withheld $1.4 million from Chapel Hill this year.
Town Council members say they would like to save the celebration but believe canceling the events would help save the town a significant amount of money.
The 2001 festivities cost Chapel Hill $24,500. Fireworks accounted for $12,000 of the expenditures.
Council member Flicka Bateman said she hopes the town can save the money and continue the Fourth of July celebration.
"I certainly hope we don't have to eliminate (the celebration)," Bateman said. "I hope we can swing it in our budget."
But council member Pat Evans said cutting something from the budget is inevitable.
"It's important citizens understand how strapped we are," Evans said. "We've got to do some cutting."
Council member Jim Ward said he would not like the celebration to be eliminated, but the council is in a difficult situation.