Link presented a contingency plan Monday night as part of his 2002-03 county budget proposal.
The county has created the plan to offset the $3.1 million officials expect the state to withhold to deal with its own budgetary problems.
The contingency plan, which would only be enacted if the state withholds the funds, would cut or postpone projects that would have a minimal impact on the county's day-to-day operations.
Among the programs that could be delayed for a year are the purchase of county vehicles and personal computers.
As part of the budget proposal, Link said, he is seriously considering recommending a countywide property tax increase of 4.5 cents that would generate an anticipated $4.2 million for the county.
The increase would apply to all properties within Orange County and would be in addition to any property tax increases enacted by the towns of Carrboro or Chapel Hill.
All budget recommendations must be approved by the commissioners and in place by June 30, but officials plan to announce the budget May 22.
Orange County Budget Director Donna Dean said she expects Link will recommend the property tax increase to the commissioners for approval.
Dean said Link will likely recommend the property tax instead of other cost-saving measures that have been put on the table, like reducing the county's operating expenses by 1 percent or putting a three-month freeze on hiring new personnel for noncritical vacant positions.