The school board voted Thursday to include two amendments that would finalize the 2001-02 school budget at its meeting at Ephesus Road Elementary School.
The approval evened out fluctuations to expenditures during the school year. Superintendent Neil Pedersen said the resolution was routine.
Also at the meeting, the school board continued its ongoing budget discussions concerning the next fiscal year, which sparked comments from residents.
Pedersen said the system should expect less funding next year based on Gov. Mike Easley's recommendation of a 2 percent reduction in educational funding.
"There will probably be a reduction in our state budget of $900,000," Pedersen said. "We may need to reallocate funds if the cuts are too much."
Pedersen said budget reductions would unfortunately restrict the ability of Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools to maintain the same level of service that the school system has provided in past years.
"There would have to be some reductions in funding," Pedersen said. "I would expect there would be reductions in the education services we provide.
"When we lose $1 million of state funding, it will certainly affect our efforts but won't bring them to a halt. There are many initiatives that don't require a lot of money."
Pedersen added that these cutbacks should not prevent schools from competing on the national level. Last year, East Chapel Hill High School was ranked in the top 10 nationally in achievement.