The Daily Tar Heel
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Monday, Sept. 23, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Science Majors Don't Look Down on Other Student's Academics

I am a science major, and I am technologically advanced. However, never in my life have I considered non-scientifically/technologically gifted people to be "dumb" as Johanna Costa stated in her article ("Science Majors Should Think Differently") on April 4. In fact, I appreciate those people who study liberal arts because I know I could not "cut it". I am very offended by Costa's article because I am a senior physics and astronomy major (yes, we do exist); however, I will not use my degree for some cutting-edge science career. I plan to use my degree in the "real world" for something that does stress the importance of "thinking, communicating and problem solving" -- I will become a high school teacher. This has been my goal for many years (I have the N.C. Teaching Fellows Scholarship to prove it). It is because of people like Costa that I chose to be a teacher. My students do not have to become science majors to make me proud, but I do want them to understand the technology around them (too bad Costa is a senior, she should have taken Physics 16 -- How Things Work). This society is becoming more technologically dependent, and it is moronic not to desire an understanding of how life functions around you.

Also, all science majors are not biology majors planning on going to medical school nor are we all consumed by our GPAs and think other non-science classes are useless. Some of us prefer sciences other than biology (myself included), and do not use our science major as a way to look down upon others. I know the "academic plight" that my fellow non-science major classmates go through -- reading Shakespeare is hard for me! But I take comfort in knowing that when I turn on my TV, I know how it works -- and although I might not understand what CNN is talking about, I at least try.

When I am getting my M.Ed. next year, I will remember Ms. Costa's words -- that she is "a capable college senior at a pretty darn good university". Too bad she cannot tape ESPN's SportsCenter and watch it when she is sober.

Lori Beiles
Physics and Astronomy

The length rule was waived.

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