The system is addressing issues of overcrowding in schools, the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinances and the Minority Student Achievement Plan.
But system Assistant Superintendent Steve Scroggs said overcrowding is detrimental to the quality of schools.
"Overcrowding affects all kids," he said. "It's not helping education. We don't need overcrowded schools."
He said although middle schools are not experiencing overcrowding, elementary and high schools are over capacity.
The school system will include 280 new students next year, adding to the 300-seat shortage it now faces. "We're expecting (high schools) to go over capacity next year," Scroggs said.
He said the way the system is tackling the issue of overcrowded schools is by adding new schools to the system. "We're building new school buildings," he said.
But Scroggs also stated the need for more methods to alleviate overcrowding.
"Overcrowding within schools is complex," he said. "We have things like trailers and mobile classrooms, but it's going to take more than that."
Board of Education Vice Chairwoman Teresa Williams said people do not always realize that overcrowding affects students inside and outside of the classroom.