The Daily Tar Heel
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Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel


Downsizing a MBA

Moving on Up
North Carolina's average SAT score increased by six points, bumping the state up to 45th in the nation. At least we're tops when it comes to raising hogs.

Cutting Back
The Orange County Water and Sewage Authority plans to implement new water restrictions. Students will now have to use bottled water for cooking Ramen noodles.

We're in the Money
The Carolina First campaign has collected $800 million dollars in private donations. The University plans to buy a bell tower that rings consistently.

Tar Heel Quotables

"I don't like poles."
Carrboro Business Owner Ted Bleecker
On a proposed traffic pole being built in front of his property. Hate to break it to you Ted, but poles don?t really like you either.

"Faculty Council is really in no way different from Student Congress."
Faculty Council Chairwoman Sue Estroff
Comparing the functions of the two groups. C'mon now Sue, don't sell yourself so short.

"I have seen neither a gun nor a knife."
Sen. Tony Rand, D-Cumberland
On the working relationship in the budget negotiation committee. Yeah, but Rand has been known to flash his gat when debates get really heated.

"It's a culmination of a very long 10 days, and everyone's excited about seeing who the new people are."
Director of Greek Affairs Jay Anhorn
Describing sorority Bid Day. Could they be a bunch of rich, well-dressed white girls?

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