The Daily Tar Heel
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Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Applications Due Today For DTH Feedback Board

The board -- which will consist of six to eight members -- will meet five times throughout the fall semester to critique issues of the DTH and to provide feedback on all aspects of the paper.

The board serves as a way to increase dialogue between the paper and the population it serves. All members of the University community -- student, faculty, staff and area residents -- are encouraged to apply.

Applications can be picked up at the DTH office in Suite 104 of the Student Union.

The board will meet five times during the fall semester -- Sept. 17, Oct. 1, Oct. 22, Nov. 12 and Dec. 3 -- all at 6:30 p.m in the Student Union. Each meeting will last one to two hours, and all applicants are expected to be available to attend all five meetings. Pizza will be provided at the meeting.

Members of the Community Feedback Board will be expected to read the DTH and be prepared to discuss it at the meetings with other members of the board and DTH Managing Editor Alex Kaplun. Kaplun can be reached with further questions about CFB at

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