The Daily Tar Heel
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Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel


Deja Vu

After spending millions to fix

voting problems from 2000, Florida had more electoral difficulties this week. Insert your favorite pregnant-chad joke here.

Making A Living

Budget negotiators made an informal agreement on the system budget. The plan has lower budget cuts than feared, but it requires officials to get part-time jobs as grocery baggers for funding.

Where's My Tiara?

A federal judge ruled that N.C. pageant winner Rebekah Revels is not guaranteed a slot in the Miss America contest. The swimsuit competition in the courtroom clinched the decision.

The Cosby Show

Bill Cosby will be the 2003 Commencement speaker. Like it or not, Cosby will be more interesting than last year's speaker, Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C.

Tar Heel Quotables

"Because he's a wealthy white male, if he's not exposed to people, they're not going to vote for him."

Bowles Supporter Martha Carmichael

That makes sense because who can remember the last time when voters put a rich white hermit into office?

"If you build it, they will come. If you widen this road, they will definitely come."

Chapel Hill Resident Warren Greshes

On the Weaver Dairy Road expansion. So that's what buyers look for in a house -- one with a big wide road in front.

"North Carolina voters deserve better than name-calling and finger-pointing."

U.S. Senate Candidate Elizabeth Dole

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On a proposal stopping media ads and holding a series of debates. Of course the voters deserve better, like Senate boxing matches, drinking contests and hog wrestling.

"It's pretty hot in the sun with black wool robes on."

Faculty Chairwoman Sue Estroff

On why some faculty don't attend Commencement. Would the alternative involve professors parading in the buff?

Special Print Edition
The Daily Tar Heel's 2024 DEI Special Edition