The Daily Tar Heel
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Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

CDS Should Replace Styrofoam With Paper Despite Lack of Water

Senior Reena Arora could not be more correct in saying, "Who uses styrofoam in 2002?" And nothing could be more upsetting than that Carolina Dining Services is one possible answer. It is unacceptable for CDS to continue filling Dumpster after Dumpster with styrofoam unless they are willing to recycle it. UNC-Chapel Hill has made great strives to fulfill its commitment to the environment. The University's efforts range from hiring the UNC system's first full-time sustainability coordinator in April 2001 to carrying office paper containing 100 percent recycled content in all ATN computer labs. Students, staff and faculty have worked together to create a better, greener UNC-CH whose benefits are lasting and widespread.

Unfortunately, while UNC-CH as a whole makes progress, Carolina Dining Service has taken a step backward with its decision to provide students with styrofoam plates and bowls without recycling them. CDS should be commended for its desire to save water and its composting of leftover food.

However, the styrofoam currently used should be recycled or replaced with materials that are more readily biodegradable. To allow CDS to use styrofoam would subject UNC-CH to lagging behind in its duty to preserve the environment. We look forward to working with CDS to allow UNC-CH to continue to fulfill its commitment to environmental responsibility.

Nicholas Grueff
Carolina Environmental Program

Collin Lee
Carolina Environmental Program

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