The Daily Tar Heel
Printing news. Raising hell. Since 1893.
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

DTH Available Online

But for parents or alumni who visit campus only rarely, it's not so easy to snag a copy of the DTH.

For those readers, the DTH's award-winning online site, http://www.daily, provides a convenient way to keep an eye on campus life and events.

The Daily Tar Heel Online contains all the content of the print edition.

However, the site also holds photo galleries, multimedia features and original articles that are available exclusively online.

Users can also check out special sections, such as the DTH's extensive coverage of the one-year anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

In addition, frequent users of the site have the option to have the day's headlines sent directly to their e-mail inboxes, putting the DTH's newest information from the University, Chapel Hill, Carrboro and the state at their fingertips.

Finally, each article that runs on the site has an online feedback forum, allowing readers to instantly make comments and engage in discussion with one another.

Articles that have generated a lot of comment include stories about the UNC men's basketball team.

The Daily Tar Heel Online receives an average of 70,000 to 80,000 hits a day, with readers across the world.

But even readers closer to home can find useful features -- Campus Calendar submissions and letters to the editor can be done via the site.

And even many students' favorite part of the DTH -- the crossword puzzle -- can be found on the Internet version of the paper.

To get the day's news and headlines in your inbox each morning, sign up for our email newsletters.

Special Print Edition
The Daily Tar Heel's 2024 DEI Special Edition