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Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Group Opposes Restaurant Growth

Officials at the adjacent Presbyterian Campus Ministries told board members that the restaurant's loud, festive crowd had "immediately and substantially" disrupted members' efforts to hold prayer services earlier this year.

Lucy's co-owner Norman Bullard said his restaurant, located on the corner of Henderson and East Rosemary streets, has the right to expand its business within the limits of its property and zoning permit.

The debate came after Lucy's submitted an application asking the planning board to approve the addition of a second bar to an upstairs balcony area.

Church officials say the upstairs bar would be at eye level with the second-floor multipurpose room that UNC students commonly use as a place of quiet study and personal reflection.

Chapel Hill planning staff recommended the application's approval, but after the hour and 15 minute debate uncovered a variety of unresolved issues, the board members voted unanimously to table the issue until its Oct. 1 meeting.

Under Lucy's plan, the restaurant will eliminate two upstairs residences, converting the area and balcony into additional seating and bar space.

Lucy's used the balcony space until last fall when church officials filed an inquiry with the town concerning the legal use of the space.

Bullard said the use of the upstairs space centers on Thursday night, when the restaurant hosts the John Bunting Radio Show.

The crowd drawn by the show, in addition to the steady stream of students who patronize Franklin Street area bars Thursday nights, conflicts with programs hosted the same night by the Presbyterian Campus Ministries.

The church group holds a dinner for about 40 to 80 members from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. that is followed by various prayer services.

But senior Lauren Rothwell said the noise from the restaurant is disruptive more than just Thursday nights. "We cannot hear one another and cannot concentrate on God and our worship," said Rothwell, a member of the Presbyterian Campus Ministries.

Nearly 50 people joined Rothwell at the planning board meeting to show their displeasure with the restaurant's expansion plans.

Rev. Robert Dunham said at stake in the debate is the fate of the campus ministries. "We are not trying to be a bad neighbor," he said. "Our attempt is to protect our program."

Before they take up the issue at their next meeting, board members are exploring the possibility of requiring Lucy's to put up a screen to absorb sound and looking into the regulations within the town's noise level ordinance.

But Bullard said a sound screen would be "beyond the restaurant's financial possibilities."

Campus ministry officials said that they are pleased that the board took their concerns seriously but that their work is far from done. "This location is our location -- it was constructed for the students," Rothwell said. However, "it's not a victory because it is not over yet."

The University Editor can be reached at

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