The Daily Tar Heel
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Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Students Explore Work in Service

Bradley, who worked in Guatemala as a volunteer with small-business development from 1997-99, regards the experience as the best thing he has ever done.

"It gave me a completely different world view on how the world lives outside of the United States," he said.

According to Marcia Harris, director of University Career Services, programs such as the Peace Corps, Teach for America and Americorps have increased in popularity recently, especially due to the shaky economy following Sept. 11.

"Some students want a rest or something that is not intellectually taxing after graduating," Harris said.

Volunteer jobs became more popular shortly after Sept. 11 when President Bush made the State of the Union address in January, calling people to volunteer their time and get more involved.

"After the State of the Union address, applications and interest went up," said J.J. DiBella, Peace Corps recruiter.

DiBella added that students who decide to dedicate their time to volunteering don't have to worry about paying government loans because they are put on hold.

In addition, they are eligible for a tuition grant and get paid a stipend to cover living expenses.

"It doesn't hurt to show that you dedicated years of your life to service," Bradley said.

He also added that students should participate in these programs not because it adds to their r

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