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Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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UNC Student Forum Connects University on the Web promises to take online addiction to a whole new level.

Ryan Allis, a freshman from Florida who heads the new Web site's organization, said he saw the need for a place where out-of-state students like himself and others looking to meet new people could convene and discuss just about anything from homework to weekend plans.

In addition to undergraduate and graduate student forums, there are a number of specific discussion forums like music, Greek life and a sports lounge.

Although the Web site is not yet officially connected to the University, Allis is awaiting recognition as a student group -- the UNC-CH Student Forum.

After a short registration process, new users can log on and browse the different sections, which contain topics and issues such as, "What is up with frat guys dressing the same?"

Students can respond to topics posted by any member at any time or start their own if they wish. Each member has the option to create a profile, which can include links to their e-mail and their Instant Messenger screen name.

Boasting a membership of more than 280 UNC students within its initial weeks of hitting the Internet, the president promised that "a majority of the organization's membership shall always be UNC-CH students."

How does Allis plan to keep those Wolfpackers and Blue Devils from waging an all-out online war?

"(The officers) have the power to remove posts made by students from other schools," he said. "We will be moderating the forum."

N.C. State University students might not be too much of a factor because they have their own student forum,, which has more than 5,000 registered users and has been operating for several years.

Allis said he and officers -- Vice President Daniel Singer and Secretary Thomas Jensen -- have no intention of censoring any opinions on the site, including possible offensive material posted by UNC students. "We're not going to censor opinions," Allis said. "It's hard to draw the line between freedom of speech and hurting someone's feelings."

But the site is definitely not intended for the overly sensitive or easily offended.

Dusty Heist, a junior political science major, said "is a good way to take a study break (and) get other people's opinions on issues."

Heist joined the site after receiving one of the mass e-mails that was intended to spark interest across campus.

The UNC-CH Student Forum plans to post fliers all over campus to get the word out. The group's leaders also plan on giving away pizzas on the weekends to registered residence hall dwellers who post the Web site's flier on their doors.

Printable fliers bearing creative slogans such as, "Improve Your Social Life and Your *** Life. Visit" can be found on the site.

And some users are already doing their part to spread the word -- Heist said he recently forwarded the e-mail he received about the site to his friends. "There's some good opinions up there."

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